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LIVE: After Chad, Senegal Takes on France, Seeks Apology For 1944 Massacre | Firstpost Africa
Senegal Asks France To Come Clean, Marks 80 Years of Massacre of African Soldiers | Firstpost Africa
The Thiaroye Massacre: The colonial crime France doesn't want you to know about
Senegal president says France should close army bases in country • FRANCE 24 English
Africa is Not Poor Because of Colonization
Fulbright Speakers' Series with Dr. Andrew Bellisari
Senegal’s President Faye Kicks Last French Troops Out!
Reimagining Liberation: How Black Women Transformed Citizenship in the French Empire | SOAS
Conversation Starters Swanson
Chad Expels France: Sahel Alliance’s Decolonial Revolution
Taiwan Tangle
The United Nations: the good, the bad and the ugly